Thursday, 16 March 2017

Misr University organized a conference on new media in presence of Dr. Micheal foley

The confernce that took place on wednesday 15 March was organised by Misr University under
supervision of Dr. Mohammed Rashad and Dr. Amany Omar. As a quest, Dr Michael Foley was invited to held a lecture about new media. He is a Doctor from DIT University in Dublin City, Ireland.

Dr.Michael Foley discussed how important practicing is before becoming a journalist. Other aspects which he mentioned are technology and the audience. Technology is cheap and good for you, he said. It learns you how to become journalists.

Consequently he tells something about himself. He started as a print journalist and was a reporter for 20 years. During that time there was no on line only your daily mail which you received.
Nowadays there is only online media. To become a journalist is a great job for those who are optimistic.

Nowadays our greatest enemy is the facebook. At this time he asks students about the news coming via facebook. Facebook news is for free and actually this is no media. They take their news from other sources.

After this the Doctor talks about the late president Sarkozy from France who let some European countries put money aside for a project to develop media in Arabia. But because the president wasn't elected again this was never accomplished.

After this lecture students were able to ask some questions and he was pleased to answer them.

Zakria Amr 54361

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