Saturday, 18 March 2017

Irish Projects in ''MUST'' 

Last Wednesday, 15/3/2017, Misr University for Science and Technology witnessed a conference in which it includes Dr. Mohammed Rashad and Dr. Amani Omar who welcomed Professor Michael Foley who came from Dublin university and who used to be a print journalist then was a reporter for 20 years and about 15 years old he got a job in the academy to discuss a very important project which is ''The Effect of  New Media in The Process of Communication Generally and Journalism Particularly'' with mass media students.

Professor Michael started his words by thanking the students who attended the conference and continued his words talking about how can journalism survive in a world of Facebook and Twitter, and how can people can still buy newspapers in the time that is easily for them to explore the social media.
He also discussed a very important issue which is how a journalist can be ethical and not get paid for what he writes, as now there is lack in honest journalists which makes people lead to social to get their news from as its easier and more honest.
He ended up his words by saying ''alot of people can do journalism but, the different is who will be a journalist.
At the end of the conference he opened a question and answers session, as there was a good number of students attending and asked him some question which he answers them all and the students were so pleased of Professor Michael points of view.

Written by : Myrna Mamdouh 
      ID          : 54328

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