Friday, 17 March 2017

The War Between New Media And Traditional Media..........

A symposium was organised in Misr University For Science And Technology ( MUST), on Wednesday 15 March, in the presence of DR Michael Foley who came from DIT University in Dublin, Ireland and this was his first time for him to visit Egypt. The symposium was about Web Based Media and it was under the supervision of DR. Rashad and DR. Amani Omar. It was attended by a big number of students. The symposium was basically about New Media and it's effect on communication aspects especially journalsim and the war between New Media and Traditional Media. DR. Foley start his lecture by talking about journalism and it effectiveness about people saying that anyone can start and be a journalist by twitting or having a blog.
He added Twitter and Facebook is necessary for democracy and now revolutions starts from social media and this is the reason that revolutions now have no leaders.
He also said an important thing which was " Facebook is not media it is just a platform" and this was a shocking sentence for most of the attendees as most of us use Facebook as a main source of news.
DR. Foley adds that he still read newspapers and Financial Times is one of what he reads. He also see that the public should know that good news are gathered by well trained and professional journalists and these journalists are honest, ethical and follow standards. He expressed his hope saying that he hopes that people can distinguish between journalism and other things one day, and he said that Egypt is the main country in the Middle East as it's  news are interseting for most of the people in other countries.
DR. Amani Omar added that the Media Sphere is the most important thing and that we must distinguish between Social Media and Real Journalism as profession saying that Social Media are forums of discussion and interactivity, while Journalism is a profession that needs study amd talent.

NAME: Omnia El-Shahat Ali.
ID: 54433

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