Thursday, 30 March 2017

water sector in 16 areas in the cities of sheikh zayed october, "rabwa-sixth district-seventh district, and the eastern and the northern expansions - october neighborhoods from the eighth district to the twelfth district - industrial zone - new giza " because of a sudden break of the 1600 m line coming from sheikh zayed water station .

the government added that ''the repair will be carried out from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am thursday , stressing that cars will be loaded with clean drinking water from the drinking water company in giza , A number of the company's cars were also paid drinking water in cairo to help distribute the water to the affected areas  
name : yehia mohamed 

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The Health Minister woke up from his deep sleep

The health minister discovers yesterday a factory for children's milk he didn't know before .
The factory was opened in 2002 produces annually 35 million bottles of milk and the strange in this that it exports all its products abroad to (Holland and Austria) and doesn't give egypt anything from it's products .
When the owner of the factory was asked why you did not pump your products in Egypt ! Although you know that there was a milk crisis and Egypt imported 16 million bottles from France with millions of dollars !?
He said that we encountered many difficulties in pumping our products. So, We decided to export all quantities.
 In Egypt, we did not receive any appreciation , Although President of Austria gave us a certificate of appreciation for the quality of milk .
Therefore, the Minister of Health decided that Egypt's consumption of baby's milk next year will be based on the Lacto Factory , which produce the double of egypt's consumption of this milk .

Madonna refaat 

Saturday, 25 March 2017

تجديدات واصلاحات بجامعة 6 اكتوبر للحصول على الجودة

تجديدات واصلاحات بجامعة 6 اكتوبر للحصول على الجودة

اجرت ادارة جامعة 6 اكتوبر العديد من الاصلاحات والتجديدات سعيا للحصول على الجودة التعليمة فقامت بتجهيز المعامل باحدث المعدات والادوات لتحسين جودة التعليم بها كما قامت بتحديث اجزة انذار الحريق بها وتدريب الطلاب على التعامل مع مثل هدة الحوادث.
رغبتا منها للحصول على الجودة التعليمية مع نهاية هذا العام الدراسى.
Fayrouz Mohamed

"Women went to the media, for adressing the balance" Dr. Michael Foley Said

On Wednesday 15th of March, Faculty of mass communication at misr university for science and technology hosted Dr. Michael Foley, who is a professor in Dublin institute of technology in Ireland in an organized conference, which was it’s main topic is “Web-Based Media” and he talks about the effect of new media.

One of the students asked Dr. Michael about what he thinks about women working in the media field, his reply was that the profession become a freelance and women went in it, for balance in the media field but women still more in the managements levels.

And he added that the paper he’s working on it had a women which was the first television editor before the current one as it had only one women editor, so he wonders why all these young women went to the media may be for addressing the balance, till now there’s not enough women working as editors or mangers, Dr. Michael said “they’ve a long way, but things can change really quickly” 

Moreover, Dr. Michael advised the students that they’re going to the media at a time of obvious huge change, as he told them that when he started teaching journalism for instance, there’re no twitter, but now twitter plays a major role in the media and he added that “There’s someone, somewhere working on a next big thing and we don’t know what it’s yet and journalism is changing hugely”.

Name: Alaa Mohamed
ID: 49384

strict measures taken to insure pleasure in hamaki's concert

hamaki's concert poster
salma hassan abdlmomen
ID: 57065

over the last 2 weeks, MUST university administration have started selling the tickets for  the mega star Mohamed Hamaki's concert, which will take place in the university stadium on April 21. 
The exact date for the concert" which is 21 of april" have been chosen by the university so that all students can attend it after their midterm exams, and also to get along with spring festive vibes.

And in agreement with Hamaki and his representatives,the organizers have set a strict rule to be applied on all the attendants whether they are outcomers or a university's student, which is to prevent using fireworks. 
highly to mention, that During the concert, Hamaki will sing a number of his most famous songs, including " agmal youm, ma balash, nawiha"and other songs from his wide-selling albums.                        

The revolutionary road of GBI & ATAI

The power of any individual is at its maximum when he's youthful. Governments and entities are starting to act according to this belief and giving youth the proper opportunity to rise and shine. The only advantage that older people have over youth is their experience and wise decisions, and to that some have found the perfect solution. As great minds think alike, GBI and ATAI have cooperated to achieve a revolutionary solid step in the world of business. GBI was established in December 2008 to address a market opportunity. The opportunity was to deploy and manage a subsea cable system that connects the Gulf countries together and provides onward connectivity to the rest of the world. The opportunity arose from a number of factors, including the lack of diversity and resilience as witnessed by the cable outages at the start of 2008. "Our most recent achievement is actually extending our network from a 14,000 km network to a 40,000 km network. We've assets in Europe, Iraq, the gulf, and Singapore, which makes our network one of the largest. We're shifting from dumb capacity and dumb pipes into more of managed and value-added services and helping the operators realize more cloud-based services"- Amr Eid, CEO of GBI.
GBI is now moving from project launch mode to operation mode, which required change of leadership to new team that can meet the new phase requirements, where complex and innovative products needs to be developed, and new business partnership needs to be forged and finally a long term relationship with clients and partners needs to be nurtured. Entering the operation mode and the subsequent leadership change posed new challenges. Mr. Amr Eid also added that the capacity is no longer the problem, it's the content itself, as kids at home and people everywhere are having fast ethernet and broadband service and they're now working on trying to build purpose-based network that matches the needs of every person deliberately, and the company will achieve that pretty soon.

In order to help the revolutionary step to change the higher and middle management authorities with young people and youth, ATAI has responded to the call and cooperated with GBI to be responsible for the leadership training for the youthful and ambitious talents, to provide them with all the needed tools and skills to have their new position requirements efficiently met. It was a two-day training program, held by Mario Sikora as president of ATAI and Tamer Zanati as an accredited executive coach and trainer by the International coach confederation and vice president of ATAI, the leading consulting firm when it comes to leadership training programs. “I am passionate about helping people flourish. Nothing brings me more joy than to help a client overcome the roadblocks that are limiting them; to overcome old, habitual attitudes or behaviors that reside in the client’s blind spots and work on new strategies for long-term growth.”-Mario Sikora, the president of ATAI. Their clients from well-known and large companies have always praised their programs, and how they excelled their performance tremendously. "Mario's approach is without dogma or personal bias. His use and application of the Enneagram model could not be better-honed for the organization or individual seeking a practical approach to improving their effectiveness in developing highly functional teams. He uses this personality model along with his own intuition and well-trained eye to break down the obstacles that stand in the way our peak performance. By establishing high levels of direct one-on-one connection with the client Mario is able to lock in a sustaining environment in which the leader is able to drive themselves on a career long journey of actualizing their highest potential."-Timothy P. Schermerhorn, Vice President & General Manager, Ericsson.

So mainly the cooperation between these two firms, isn't just about service requirer and provider. It's a call for action to praise the youthful element, to provide them with the proper tools to excel, to give them the proper opportunity to employ what they have, and the proper platform to express their ideas. It's a cooperation to praise the future element everywhere, building its foundations and paving its way with solid steps with the proper strategies and skills for the present.

Name : Moamen Magdy Bakry
ID: 62196

A worker detained for 4 days because he was accused of trafficking in hashish in Cairo


Mugahed abd elaal

مسلسل تسمم تلاميذ المدارس بالوجبات المدرسية

أصابة تسعة و عشرون تلميذة بأعراض التسمم في مدينة تلا بالمنوفية و أثنان و خمسين طالباً بمحافظة أسوان بالتسمم نتيجة تناول الوجبات المدرسيةو واحد وعشرون طالب بمحافظة
السويس بالتسمم نتيجة تناول بسكويت المدرسة. .تكرار هذا الحادث بهذه الصورة المرتبة ان دل علي شئ يدل علي فلسفة عدم العقاب فمن المسؤال؟ المورد ؟ و أين دور وزارة الصحة ووزارة التربية و التعليم؟ و لماذا لا تمنع هذه الوجبة حتي نحمي أطفالنا و لو مؤقتاً حتي نحمي صغارنا.
Naghm Alaa :49510

An explosion in The Maadi neighborhood south of Cairo

 An explosion in The Maadi neighborhood south of Cairo

Friday morning people in the gazaer street in maadi heard a sound of an explosion people were curious to know what happened so they checked and they found out that there were an explosion in one of the building in the neighborhood  The explosion of a "strange metal body” killed one man and wounded three others

According to what the people who lived in the neighborhood saw the guard of the building was doing his work which is cleaning around the building and found a metal body while he was carrying it it exploded and as a result of this explosion the guard was dead and there were 3 others who got hurt . some people said  that those 3 where the guard’s  wife and his children
Based on what the people who lived in the neighborhood said , the wounded were taken to the hospital "for treatment, and the area was secured and a security fence was built."

Name : Menna Tallah Tarek 
ID :54385

A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

As a part of the social responsibility to the society , MAC
 (The Model Of American Congress ) based in the Faculty of Economics and Political science, Cairo university, held educational sessions for the Syrian refugees which included different subjects such as Arabic , Math and English . There were also activities for the kids to help them have some fun during these sessions.

The sessions took place in a Friendly space of CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere)  , which is an international organization like the UNICEF but it's mainly for the refugees.

 This project started two years ago.  The general idea of the project was to help these Syrian children to keep their identity and to be normal children even though they went through lots of bad experiences that included death and war. And also to improve their educational level.

Karim Magdy , Head of the Political and Social Responsibility committee says that we are all Arabs and  helping Syrian children is not different than helping Egyptian children.It's important to help the Syrian children to keep their identity because each country has its own culture. At the end  We're all humans and we should help each other to make this world a better place for us to live in. 

comments of the people to thank CARE.


ID : 62232

A student kills a schoolmate in October

The October prosecution ordered the burial of a student dead by his colleague in a secondary school in October district.
Investigations conducted by the Public Prosecutor's Office revealed that the October 1st Police Department received a notification from Al-Zuhour Hospital that a first-grader at the hotel school in the seventh district of the hospital had reached a dead body.
The body of a 19-year-old young man named "Mustafa A.", was a verbal argument between the victim and his colleague, "Abdul Rahman M.", 19, a student. In the same school and during the resurrection of his ability to attack one of the teachers, the victim hit the defendant and suffered swelling in the eye.
But the latter decided to retaliate and waited outside the school And stabbed him with a white weapon, which led to his death and fled, and was seized with possession of the weapon used.
And record released No 1000. for the year 2017.

Name : Madonna refaat amin 
ID : 62246 

The lady of Mansora dazzles everyone with her strength


A heavy load carried daily, not just ice sheets 
 on a two-frame vehicle, but the suffering that accompanied her throughout her 66 years. From inside a dormitory in the slaughterhouse in Mansoura, Abu Zaid Al-Adawi graduated daily to go to Al-Tamihi Square in the center of the city and start selling ice to various restaurants and shops .. so, Work is not a defect, but the disadvantage is that young people sit in the hope of working in the highest positions without any effort to reach it

Name : Madonna refaat 
Id : 62246 

Mubark's Innonce

The former President's lawyer said the decision to release the president had been implemented and acquitted Mubark of any charges related to the killing of demonstrators in 25 january 2011

Name: Doaa Mostafa
ID: 62060

الارهاب فى اكثر البلاد امان

تم قتل 5 مواطنين فى عملية ارهابية وأصابية 40 اخرين  يوم الاربعاء فى لندن على يد احد الارهابيين وتقول شرطة لندن أن مرتكب العملية الارهابية يدعى خالد مسعود

كريم محمد احمد

Friday, 24 March 2017

ريدبول تطلق مسابقه جامعيه جديده

Redbull doodle art event

ليك فى الرسم او بمعنى آخر ليك فى الدوديل ؟ بتيجى عليك فتره وانت قاعد زهقان تمسك القلم و الورقه وترسم اى حاجه ؟ طيب ليه تفوت فرصه ان الدودل دى ممكن تأهلك تسافر بره ؟  

هكذا قامت شركه ريدبول بإطلاق حمله جديده من حملاتها المعتاده و التى تستهدف طلاب الجامعات تحت اسم
 redbull doodle art
  واطلقت هذا الأسم بالتحديد حيث ان هذه الحمله تستهدف من يمتلك هوايه الرسم ال 
Doodle خاصه

 والمقصود بهذا النوع من الرسم هو انه عباره عن شخبطه او رسومات متداخله بطريقه ما ينتج من خلالها شئ ذو معنى


  تقام هذه المسابقه فى اكثر من عشره جامعات على مستوى مصر على ان يحصل المراكز العشر الأولى على عده   جوائز مقدمه من الداعمين مثل مكتبات سمير وعلى و كيتلوب ، والفائز بالمركز الأول سوف تتاح له فرصه السفر   
 بالخارجdoodleلأحتراف الرسم خاصه ال

  ومن خلال هذه الحمله قامت ريدبول بزياره سريعه لجامعه مصر للعلوم و التكنولوجيا بالتنظيم مع احدى الأنشطه الطلابيه بالجامعه فى يوم الأربعاء الموافق٢٠١٧/٣/٢٢ فى تمام الساعه الحاديه عشر صباحا حتى الخامسه مساءا 
فى خلال هذه المده ساهمت بالعديد من المسابقات بين الطلاب حيث اتيحت الفرصه لكل من يمتلك الموهبه بالمشاركه فى المسابقه ووفرت لهم الألوان و الورق وكل المستلزمات التى يتمكن من خلالها الطلاب بالرسم  ومن VR ثم فرصه تجربه الرسم بتقنيه ال

VR Game ..

 شهدت هذه الحمله اقبالا كبيرا من طلبه الجامعه سواء مشاركين او متفرجين فقط كما نشرت ريدبول اجواء من
البهجه و الطاقه الإيجابيه فى المكان ، وقامت بتوزيع مشروباتها مجانا طوال مده المسابقه

Name :mariam osama abdelhamed

ID : 54549

London terror attack

TERROR struck at the heart of British democracy on Wednesday attempted to storm the Houses of Parliament and members of the public were down on the street outside, Five people have died and 28 others have been injured after a major terror attack in the heart of London .Islamic State (ISIS) have claimed responsibility for the attack, the terror group's news agency AMAQ have saidAn ISIS statement published by the Amaq news agency said a “soldier of the caliphate” carried out the tragedy by the Houses of Parliament. The Prime Minister has said that the attacker was a British born man who had been probed by M15 over violent extremism

Esraa Ashraf Boghdady :49578