The power of any individual is at its maximum when he's
youthful. Governments and entities are starting to act according to this belief
and giving youth the proper opportunity to rise and shine. The only advantage
that older people have over youth is their experience and wise decisions, and
to that some have found the perfect solution. As great minds think alike, GBI
and ATAI have cooperated to achieve a revolutionary solid step in the world of
business. GBI was established in December 2008 to address a market opportunity.
The opportunity was to deploy and manage a subsea cable system that connects
the Gulf countries together and provides onward connectivity to the rest of the
world. The opportunity arose from a number of factors, including the lack of
diversity and resilience as witnessed by the cable outages at the start of
2008. "Our most recent achievement is actually extending our network from
a 14,000 km network to a 40,000 km network. We've assets in Europe, Iraq, the
gulf, and Singapore, which makes our network one of the largest. We're shifting
from dumb capacity and dumb pipes into more of managed and value-added services
and helping the operators realize more cloud-based services"- Amr Eid, CEO
of GBI.
GBI is now moving from project launch mode to operation
mode, which required change of leadership to new team that can meet the new
phase requirements, where complex and innovative products needs to be
developed, and new business partnership needs to be forged and finally a long
term relationship with clients and partners needs to be nurtured. Entering the
operation mode and the subsequent leadership change posed new challenges. Mr.
Amr Eid also added that the capacity is no longer the problem, it's the content
itself, as kids at home and people everywhere are having fast ethernet and
broadband service and they're now working on trying to build purpose-based
network that matches the needs of every person deliberately, and the company
will achieve that pretty soon.
In order to help the revolutionary step to change the higher
and middle management authorities with young people and youth, ATAI has
responded to the call and cooperated with GBI to be responsible for the
leadership training for the youthful and ambitious talents, to provide them
with all the needed tools and skills to have their new position requirements
efficiently met. It was a two-day training program, held by Mario Sikora as
president of ATAI and Tamer Zanati as an accredited executive coach and trainer
by the International coach confederation and vice president of ATAI, the
leading consulting firm when it comes to leadership training programs. “I am
passionate about helping people flourish. Nothing brings me more joy than to
help a client overcome the roadblocks that are limiting them; to overcome old,
habitual attitudes or behaviors that reside in the client’s blind spots and
work on new strategies for long-term growth.”-Mario Sikora, the president of
ATAI. Their clients from well-known and large companies have always praised
their programs, and how they excelled their performance tremendously.
"Mario's approach is without dogma or personal bias. His use and
application of the Enneagram model could not be better-honed for the
organization or individual seeking a practical approach to improving their
effectiveness in developing highly functional teams. He uses this personality
model along with his own intuition and well-trained eye to break down the
obstacles that stand in the way our peak performance. By establishing high
levels of direct one-on-one connection with the client Mario is able to lock in
a sustaining environment in which the leader is able to drive themselves on a
career long journey of actualizing their highest potential."-Timothy P.
Schermerhorn, Vice President & General Manager, Ericsson.

So mainly the cooperation between these two firms, isn't
just about service requirer and provider. It's a call for action to praise the
youthful element, to provide them with the proper tools to excel, to give them
the proper opportunity to employ what they have, and the proper platform to
express their ideas. It's a cooperation to praise the future element
everywhere, building its foundations and paving its way with solid steps with
the proper strategies and skills for the present.
Name : Moamen Magdy Bakry
ID: 62196