Friday, 21 April 2017

Egypt's economical hope

Egypt now experiences her worst economical period of all times. Youth are now obliged to exert their outmost effort just to maintain a stable income level. Personal economy was never about how much money you have, it's about what can you get with what you have. The buying capability of the Egyptian pound is tremendously falling back and that can be easily observed through the high exchange rate of foreign currencies. Then, what's now? Should we immigrate to other countries? Should we lose hope? Well, that's not the end of it, as always with great disasters comes great opportunities that only seized by those who stand up for the challenge. 

       On the 16th of April, "Ebda3", a youth community center has initiated an event of multiple activities just to raise awareness about the current economical challenge and how to overcome these days, and even more surpass with a fortune. These weren't just words, as the event's scope was freelancing, second jobs, increasing knowledge and scholarships' opportunities. The day started with hands-on workshops in various fields to let people explore the introductory overview to those fields and pick their own interest to be deeply-studied later on. Secondly, there were talks by Dr. Omar El-Shenity, the famous economist to evaluate the current economical state, Mr. Yasser Ghallab, the digital marketing manager at Vodafone Egypt and the initiator of a series of freelancing and motivational videos "Sanay3i", and Mr. Mostafa Adel, one of the most known names in the scholarships' knowledge and acceptance. The program then approached a close end of a panel discussion between Mr. Mahmoud Embaby, founder of Impact training solutions, Mr. Yehia Arafa, founder of Career advancers for career guidance and counseling and Mr. Mohammed Farouk, founder of Kites for tourism and entertainment, then the attendees moved to a mini job and internship opportunities' fair.

      It was really a fruitful day, as well as the diversity among the attendees, from undergraduates, fresh graduates up to upper managers at well-known companies and academics with PhDs. It was an astonishing and promising event, that the end isn't at all close. This country, these youthful talents and this mentality can change the whole scene to a much better state than anyone can imagine.

Here there're some glimpses of the event:

Moamen Magdy Bakry

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