cairo festival city mall and the road of
death before it
- Arwa Abu Elmagd .
- 62125 .
dear colleague Ahmed Abas has passed last week due to an unfortunate accident.
ALLAH has chosen Ahmed to leave us in this very day and in this very place .
That is ALLA's will that nobody knows but him only. But ALLAH has left us the
causes of Ahmed's death to grief and understand . Ahmed is gone from our world
today because of the continuous fake promises from his firm . About 5,000 souls
leave their homes for this firm for the purpose of work , A firm that puts the
importance of its' workers at the bottom of its' priorities.Cairo festival city mall and the road of death
before it , the most likely final destination of it's' visitors and workers . The
mall has promised several times to buildA
These words have been continuously promised
over the last one and a half year . When the board of the mall were asked about
the temporary solution they say that they have provided Buses as a means of transportation for the
workers which is not compatible with the their work times . The workers believe
that the mall will continue to promise them the footbridge and will also
continue to break their promise with every single death on that road like Ahmed
Abas ,may he rest in peace .
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