Thursday, 4 May 2017

Violence in the media and how to confront it

The media has spread widely and has become the focus of our attention and
attention, as it is present and seen everywhere we go, at all times, and thus we are subject to the contents of what we see, hear or read daily in these means.
It is obvious that the media impact on us, because watching, hearing and reading means to receive ...
The means of audio and video and the reader to send messages to the recipient, whether positive or negative .. And play its desired role.
It is noticeable in our time to increase the messages and negative guidance in the media and lack of positive guidance and construction in which Fikad empty art or film cartoons of the scenes of violence or expression in several ways, as well as they changed the image of the person and the normal personality, replaced with images and models fictional characters suggestive suggest And their behavior to violence, rebellion and treachery and impose their desires and decisions on others by force and use the means and methods of illegal in them, even the games of computermal received from them, and in addition, it is spreading principles, values ​​and bad qualities, which individuals adopt on behalf of morality and The qualities of the level and good slowly  with the continued transmission of these corrupt values ​​.. And follow ..
As a result of the inevitable increase in the spread of the media and lack of positive guidance in them as well as lack of control from parents and educators and the absence of a system and program and a map to use these means, as a result, we see the rise of negative phenomena and behaviors and many negative recipes in society .. And the spread of violence, A wide range of areas of life and against diverse groups in society, including children and adolescents, as well as violence against women, vulnerable men and older persons.
Hence, it is imperative that we study the contents of the media and the messages sent by it to the members of the community to know their effects and results on us.Therefore, the views of many people from different age groups and social groups were taken in search of solutions to confront violence in the media
Omar Mardini said that there is one way to confront the violence in the media, which is by following the parents to what their children see in the various media, whether read, audio or visual, in order to prevent their being affected by any scenes or violent events that they may see or hear in the media.
Radwan Mardini also said that in order to confront the content of violence in the media, there must be censorship of what is being presented in the various media. It is necessary to update the legal legislations to confront such phenomenon
Taysir Zaki said that people must be made aware of the contents of the media in a sufficient manner, so as not to be influenced by what they see in various media outlets.
 also  Suhair Mardini said that it should be in our society campaigns for boycotting any media product that does not suit the viewers and is a bad picture of reality by boycotting programs, movies and serials that contain elements of violence and ambiguity. Consequently, the producers do not achieve any profits from these acts and we return to the previous era where we were not watching Any of these content that  is immoral and non-educational
Hassan al-Thammi also said that the only solution to confront violence in the media is to be virtuous and not to watch those non-constructive and unintentional media content
so ,Through these views and solutions, we hope to find an effective solution to confront the phenomenon of the spread of violence in the various media.
Colonel Jassim Khalil Mirza, Head of the Awareness, Research and Information Committee at the Ministry of Interior, Director of the Department of Security Awareness in Dubai Police, explained that the committee is concerned with conducting researches and studies of social phenomena and emerging issues in society. He pointed out that this study aims to review the impact of television violence programs on the formation of aggressive behavior in children by identifying the social and psychological effects that children are affected by watching violence programs through cinema and television. The study attempted to raise a number of questions about the effects The extent to which mass media are responsible for the delinquency of children and the importance of the supervisory role of parents.
By : Salma Yousef - Faculty of Mass Media and Communication Technology

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